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My blog will still be operating, however the new purchasing of cards and prints will be under construction for some time. Hope you understand and bear with me.

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Thursday, December 27, 2012

* As it happened ... sort of

I just received more photographs from Jackie via cyber space - so I will share a proper 'Soiree Post' with you now. Wish you all had been here. Wouldn't that be fun .... when I win the lottery we will have a 'fly in'.

Hi ... come on in ...

Salvador arrived and the music began.  'swoon'

people mingled ...
people giggled

and drank their wine out of huge glasses ...

and nibbled, mingled and chatted and met new people
The music got louder and Salvador began to play the music from "Frida"

We began to sing and sway and move like we were on stage.  :o)

Then Sal and Wendy began to dance ...

Ah!  Lovely to watch

They were havin' fun


... and posed for photos outside

some gravitated to the comfortable chairs inside
We posed for photos inside

I received so many lovely heart felt gifts, one of them being a custom made calender with photographs just for me. 

My housekeepers, even though they were in my home as guests, cleaned the house!  I couldn't stop them no matter what I said.  Thank you!

 my Ladies in Waiting came to the soiree

Then we lingered and chatted enjoying the the last moments as a lovely evening came to an end.  I began to call taxi's and one by one or two by two people began to leave, until it was over.  Just me, sitting by the fire with a glass of champagne.  Basking in the afterglow of a very very lovely evening with dear friends.  Thank you all for coming.  You are AMAZING!  Each and every one of you.

And you, my dear blogger friends, are amazing to me in so many ways.  Your friendship, your creativity, and above all your willingness to share your art and your knowledge so freely.  Truly a gift.  Thank you for being part of my life.  I am honoured to know you.

The only gift is a portion of thyself.
   -Ralph Waldo Emerson

*Thanks to Jackie and Janice for all the photographs they were able to take while I was yakking.  :o)


Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

Woohooo!! I wish I was partying with you. :)) I only now see how huge your paintings are. Love it! Happy Holidays! :)

Valerie-Jael said...

Looks like a great party, glad you all had fun! Hugs, Valerie

Nancy Lynn said...

It all looks so wonderful....lots of fun with all your beautiful friends in your beautiful home.

patty said...

Oh, Donna, how wonderful!! Yay - you did it(see,you got everything done in time...)What a festive way to end the year in your lovely new home!!

Lynn Stevens said...

A perfect party Donna, fun, friends food. Doesn't get any better than that! Here's to another Year of special celebrations!
hugs Lynn

Yvonne said...

What a fabulous looking party and I loved seeing more of your home. It really is beautiful, Donna! As are you, my friend!

Happy New Year!

Introverted Art said...

OMG Donna, I am so glad I found your space. First, your back yard ROCKS. I want one (even though I live on the 21st floor!!!). Second, your party was success. Everyone had such huge smiles on. I love your art. I like bright, bold, colorful art and yours is so full of color and beauty.

donna said...

It all looks wonderful! D0nna

creativelenna said...

donna, what a gorgeous garden and home you have, especially when filled with your paintings and your friends! Thanks so much for sharing your soiree and thanks to jackie for these beautiful photographs!

Your paintings are especially beautiful displayed as you have on the paler more neutral background of your home. They really shine when displayed this way. You have been quite prolific and this display of your art shows how accomplished you are.

What a beautiful message to your readers and one of my very favorite quotes. A joyous and creative new year to you, [i]donna did it!!![/i] xoxo

SooZeQue said...

I'm so very happy for you and your wonderful holiday celebrations. Your Heart looks full from my view. I've missed many emails due do a strange email glitch so I'm catching up. We are hanging in there one day at a time. The Patio, paintings, dancing, flowers and You made me smile today~it was all so beautiful! I could envision myself there drinking champagne with you. Someday... perhaps we can skype if you ever get it up and running. Blessing to you and Happy New Year.

Anonymous said...

Oh my what a party can I come to the next one ??? Beautiful art, beautiful people the love and joy shines through on all of these wonderful pictures i almost feel as if I was with you. I'm so happy that you are embracing life


Katie said...

What a get together...and your ladies looked divine there!

Also, looks like a happening New Year! xo