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IMPORTANT: Address Change

My blog will still be operating, however the new purchasing of cards and prints will be under construction for some time. Hope you understand and bear with me.

The address of this blog has been permanently changed. "Donnadidit" no longer exists and will not show up on any search engine. It is important that you ...
1. Grab my button which will automatically bring you here ... or...
2. Change the name (dorothydonnaparker) and the URL on your reading and/or receive list. (Blogroll) ... or ...
3. make it super easy on yourself and subscribe by email.

If you have any questions, please contact me by email. Don't want to loose you. Love you too much. :o) Donna, Doni, Lady D xoxo

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Just about, but not quite

Another day and the painting will be finished. It's just about done. You haven't seen them for awhile, so here they are. "Everything's going to be just

Women supporting women.  Important.  Remember.

 No more for today.  Hope all is well with you, and hope all you Canadian's had a lovely long Birthday weekend.  Thanks for the visit. 

"When two friends understand each other totally, the words are soft and strong like an orchid's perfume"
 Martin Luther King Jr 

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