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My blog will still be operating, however the new purchasing of cards and prints will be under construction for some time. Hope you understand and bear with me.

The address of this blog has been permanently changed. "Donnadidit" no longer exists and will not show up on any search engine. It is important that you ...
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If you have any questions, please contact me by email. Don't want to loose you. Love you too much. :o) Donna, Doni, Lady D xoxo

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

A Happy Mail Day

A little while ago, Carolyn Summers wrote to ask if she could donate a journal for me to decorate to sell. I said I would love it! Today it arrived. Much to my amazement, it is a chipboard journal and the cover had 'Mexico' cut out of the board. I couldn't wait to get started - having just bought a bag of scraps. Off I went - and I have the cover completed.  Have a peek.

These scraps are so much fun to play with, I can't believe it!

The album has four more chipboard pages, and of course, Carolyn could not resist sending me some beautiful papers.  Thank you, dear friend!  You are simply the best.

No more for today.  I've been working on a birthday card, but can't blog it for a couple of days, until after the birthday get together.

Thanks for dropping in again today.  Thank you for your comments.  They always give me a lift.  And friendship!  A strange commodity isn't it.  Never having met Carolyn, I feel like I know her and love her like a sister.  Thanks again for all the lovely goodies.

“There is a destiny that makes us sisters, No one goes his way alone; All that we send into the lives of others, Comes back into our own.”
Edwin Markham (1852-1940)


Carolyn said...

Oh Donna, the cover is spectacular. When you mentioned scraps I had forgotten you purchased a bag of fabric scraps. How perfect! The cover alone will draw in a customer for sure. I am so inspired with what you have done so far. I knew you would turn the blank pages into something really special.

Thank you for your kind remarks. I, too, feel like we are sisters.

Love hugs,

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

That is just perfect! Love how you used the scraps for the cover. :)

Nancy said...

Timing is everything! Your bag of scraps in one hand and the album in the other.. and voila, this wonderful cover. Fun, fun.

Nancy Lynn said...

I love what you did with the bag of scraps and your new album....just beautiful.

creativelenna said...

what a wonderful quote and s beautiful gift!! enjoy your day and all the surprises already, donna! xoxox

Gina said...

Wow you did a fabulous job...what an amazing gift :D XXX

Sandy said...

I love this Donna - such happy wonderful colors - fabulous. Your blog brings me so much pleasure even though you cannot tell it, you do inspired me to be better than what I am. Love your feet kid. I should have known you are a fancy lady!!