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My blog will still be operating, however the new purchasing of cards and prints will be under construction for some time. Hope you understand and bear with me.

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Thursday, June 27, 2013

Guadalupe District Murals ...

Developing into a new and very hot art district, Guadalupe is coming up with all sorts of new ideas including art walks and graffiti type murals on the stone, brick and plastered walls. Not able to resist, Jackie invited me on another photo shoot which was really fun. Here are the photos. If you can hang on until the end you will be doing well.

This house has been here decorated like this for a long time.  Fits right in now.

AH!  You made it to the end.  Congrats.  It was a lovely afternoon out and fun to see all the new art.  Last night the three of us and Mario enjoyed our 'last supper' together.  Saturday morning EARLY, Jackie and Janis will be leaving for NOB, one to Florida, one to Philadelphia.  Don't know when they will be back, but already I am looking forward to their next journey.

Hope you enjoyed the 'tour'.  Thanks for dropping by.  Take care.

“Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time.” ~ 

Thomas Merton



Carolyn said...

Oh my gosh . . . what a wonderful collection of photos, Donna. They will make terrific note cards should you decide to use them in that fashion. The first one is my favorite. Soft hues with a colorful border. Too bad the electrical wires get in the way on some of them. You will have to Photoshop to remove them.

You will miss your friends which will give you time to catch up, work on your new painting and create more for the artisan fair.

Thanks for sharing...I always enjoy the photos you share with us.


Sandy said...

Well I certainly lost myself in these pictures. Aren't the colors grand!!!! I have never really seen an angry fish but now I have!!! This looks like to me, it is going to be the Santa Fe of Mexico! One day maybe I might be able to visit!

Nancy Lynn said...

Love looking at all your scenic excursions.....beautiful...just beautiful. Looking forward to the SEWN class next week. See you there.

Wanda said...

Thanks for letting us travel with you!

patty said...

OH, my goodness!! Looks like the creative spirit is alive and well and thriving in your neck of the woods! How wonderful - thanks so much for sharing these, Donna!!

Valerie-Jael said...

Wow, just fantastic! Wish I could see them in real life! Got here with my little net-book, it is just very small! Hugs, Valerie

Nancy said...

These are wonderful! Thanks for posting so we can all "see through your eyes."

1CardCreator said...

What an inspiring and exciting place to live! Love all the gorgeous art all around, beautiful photography too.
PS, I get your posts emailed to me, I have not been able to get to your blog for 3 days now, I keep getting an error message. This time I hunted you down through the google plus group. Take care, big hugs, ~Diane

Anonymous said...

These murals are so inspirational! Thank you for sharing. By the way I discovered your blog via Sewn. Really looking forward to the class and learning more about you too