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My blog will still be operating, however the new purchasing of cards and prints will be under construction for some time. Hope you understand and bear with me.

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Friday, March 11, 2011

* Doom and Gloom ....

has set in!  Last night I made myself a cup of hot lemon and honey, climbed into bed to do my blog and answer e-mails.  Promptly dumped the entire cup of liquid directly on the keyboard of Catherine the Great! The Russian Tsarina is not amused and has stopped working entirely.  I am sick.  All my photos are on the hard drive, and not backed up.  Luckily, I have my 'big mac' with me to use in my studio.  At 5:30 this morning I managed to get her hooked up (her name is Isabella of Spain) ... so I am at least on line.  I've got urgent messages out to two Mac experts in town to see what can be done.

So ... that's that .. it is what it is.  Moving forward.

Yesterday had a lovely Nicho Party at Wendy's.  All my photos in Catherine.  I have photos of my Nicho only ... which is no fun at all.  We played all day and then went out for a wonderful fish dinner at a little mexican restaurant.

Too grumpy to get a lovely quote today!  Maybe tomorrow.


Carolyn said...

Oh my gosh, Donna. The computer is one thing but all of your photos is something else altogether. Oh I hope they can get to the hard drive and retrieve your data files. What a shame!

Keep us posted.

Oh...I like all of the "beadies" on your recent nicho.



Unknown said...

Yes, 'tis the photos that will be the loss. I have my computer out now with a mac expert - she has it opened and told me it is pretty wet. Will try and take the hard drive out tomorrow and see what can be salvaged. A very expensive cup of hot lemon!

Thanks about the Nicho. It was fun using the beadies just to see what they look like. Thanks for coming over, Carolyn. Hugs.

Valerie-Jael said...

So sorry to hear about your mishap. The same thing hppened to me 2 years back with coffee, sigh! Now I back up my photos and files regularly. Hope your expert can save some of your lovely stuff. Hugs, Valerie

Unknown said...

Hi Valerie - thanks so much for dropping by. It's comforting to know someone else did the same thing! I'll know in a week if they can recover anything off the hard drive. An expert from the States will be in town then. Back up is a good thing.

patty said...

Oh dear, oh dear.... so sorry to hear this!! I have been there and learned the hard way. I am now pretty religious about backing up, but of course all my backups are in the same room, so a fire or a theft could still wipe everything out, but you can only go so far... Hope, hope, hope you are able to recover.... they can do some pretty amazing things these days. I will send healing Mac thoughts your way!!

Unknown said...

Thanks, Patty. She's out with an expert now seeing what can be done. BACK UP ... is on my mind. no more 'putting it off'. Thanks for dropping by.